How many staff does Gold Garment have?

Gold Garment sewing factory is a fob contract manufacturer in Vietnam that has many office staff for each sewing worker. We have 400 employees and 50 merchandisers. The ratio is high because we are an FOB factory. This means that there is a lot of administration that takes place during the whole process of garment manufacturing. We don’t just sew your garment. We source all the trims and accessories and even help you with development of your designs.

An FOB contract manufacturer in Vietnam needs to manage the paper trail for buying yarn, knitting and dyeing fabric, checking fabric, sewing, QC, printing, ironing, packing and shipping to port. This is what an FOB contract manufacturer in Vietnam does.

Our merchandising and front office staff manage the FOB process. They run the factory. Here you can see our staff in the office, our CSR coordinator, accountant, human resource manager and production planner. Together they manage the factory of Gold Garment.

from Gold Garment Vietnam

from MediaNews

from irongg43

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